Are Trend Strategies Dead?

Investors have asked us this question given the lackluster, and frankly disappointing, performance of many of their Trend managers prior to 2019. Industry observers have opined on this as well, and they sometimes attribute disappointing performance to things like: too...

Tail Risk: About 5x Worse Than You May Think

After enduring the (40%) global equity market collapse of 2008, investors large and small are eager to reexamine the perils posed by equity market “tail risk” events. Download the Whitepaper by completing the form...

Diversification: Often Discussed, but Frequently Misunderstood

Diversification remains the cornerstone of modern portfolio theory. Yet, during the financial crisis many “diversifying” investments readily followed the direction of the equity markets as they collapsed in 2008 and 2009. Download the Whitepaper by completing the form...
Welton Investment Partners